Maintain his hunting clothes is not always a thin business. p>
It is advisable to maintain its clothes to extend their life. P>
To meet the requirements of cynegetic practice, each garment is thought and manufactured with technical tissues. P>
The clothes are breathable, windbreaker, waterproofing, waterproof or insulating and it is for these reasons they must require a particular interview. p>
1 span> era sup> thing to do span>: Follow the washing instructions noted on the garment label. p>
Even if this trick seems banal, by habit we do not think enough to look at the label. p>
Stagunt has developed its labels for each garment, thus respecting the materials used. p>
You will find below the meaning of the maintenance icons: p>
2 span> ème sup> important point span>: Avoid to clean them too often. p>
A cloth can often replace a washing. For example for leather or waterproof clothing, it is sometimes possible to avoid machine passage if you have small tasks. P>
Put soach water in a container. Take a clean cloth, soak it in the container and then spin down to remove the surplus of water. Gently rub the tasks of your garment. Let it dry on a hanger. P>
If they are mud tasks, let the mud dry and gently rub with a brush before performing the operation described above. P>
If your clothes feel bad, you can put them on a hanger outside to aerate them. p>
If the smell is always present, the machine passage will be necessary. p>
3 span> ème sup> point span>: if the Machine massage is necessary. p>
If your garment has tasks or smell that does not leave, machine washing is recommended. p>
To do this, here is a tip to protect your garment: Buttons buttons, close the zippers, close Velcro® fasteners (scratchs) and put the garment upside down. p>
You will protect your garment because the surface will not touch the drum of the machine. P>
For hunting, we advise you to avoid fragrant laundry, opt for an odorless laundry or a weak smell like Marseille soap. p>
After your washing, prefer drying on a hanger or flat. If you use washing machine drying, do not exceed 800 turns, it can damage your garment. P>
How to Remove Blood on Hunting Clothes? Span> p>
Blood tasks are part of the most common tasks on hunting clothing. P>
If you have a blood task, clean it as soon as possible to get rid of easily. P>
To remove the task, rinse your garment (where the task is located) with ice water. Rub the task with a clean sponge (soft part of the sponge). P>
If the task persists, repeat the operation by adding a handle of salt into the water. The salt will allow the task to dissolve. P>
Attention, never use hot water to make a blood task disappear. Hot water will heat the task and you will not be able to remove it anymore. P>
Waterproof clothing or with membrane span> p>
Board for waterproof clothing or membrane. p>
If the washing is needed, we recommend handhing by hand or machine washing with a delicate program. P>
Allow the garment to the open air, on a hanger or flat. P>
What should never be done when laving an impermeable garment or with membrane p>